But, I am back for now. It might be a bad idea to try to catch up in one post, but here goes.
With my fundraising project, 30 dresses are now sponsored. That means I only have to find sponsors for 970 more dresses.
A person that I went to High School with sent me a check for $100.00. She said she wanted to help me dress the little boys and felt it would be better to send the money than try to buy things and mail them to me from Arkansas. This week, I went to JC Penny's and purchased 14 little shirts for $1.97 each. I do not have pictures of some others I also purchased, but of the $100.00, I have spent just over $50.00.
I also had $30.00 in Kohl's bucks so I spent them on these shirts and one pair of shorts. I paid $4.80 for the shirts and $1.97 for the shorts. The shirts are in sizes that will fit the bigger boys. The total came to about $32.00. As I was digging for the extra $2.00, I saw the register total go to $0.00. We had been talking about why I was buying the shirts and this kind lady discounted the amount over $30.00. I have to tell you that I keep running into this type of giving on a regular basis.
This is a dress I made by cutting the bottom from a tank top that I purchased on clearance from Kohl's and adding a skirt. I still need to press the seams, but I was anxious to share it.
My sister Susan has a store in a little town called LaConner which is about 50 miles North of Seattle. It is on the Swinomish Channel. It is a favorite Saturday destination. She took four of my dresses to her shop and offered them for sponsorship. I went up to her store today and collected over $100.00 that people have given to sponsor. Some one and some two dresses. It all adds up and confirms to me that God is blessing this project.
My cousin has created a website for me. It is not complete, but you can visit it at:
http://www.netturtlestudios.com/evy/. Eventually, I will have all of the dresses available for sponsorship featured there. We have a couple of typos to correct and some other minor tweaking to do.

I almost always take my camera with me when I go for a drive. Going to LaConner was no exception. Pepper and I took a little walk while my sister was busy with customers in her store. This stairway is directly across the street from Susan's shop Remember Me.
They lead up the hill to this house. Which coincidentally is for sale. It is a lovely little town if anyone is interested.
I walked down to the waterfront and took this picture of the Rainbow Bridge, which connects the lands on either side of the Channel.
My sister Susan's shop Remember Me. A sweet little shop filled with consignments and her own items. Antique and new. Furniture to small household items and knick knacks. She has also featured my knit items in her store.
To get to LaConner, you pass through some of Western Washngton's most fertile farm land. I saw acre upon acre of cabbage still maturing in the fields.
I also saw many fields that have been harvested and put to sleep for the coming spring.
And other fields that were being readied for the Spring planting.
The road that this field was on is a very narrow windy road with absolutely no place to pull off of. Luckily, it is not a well traveled road and I was able to stop and roll down my window to get this shot. It is a corn field that has been harvested.
A tumble down barn on the corner where the road I was on connected with the main road.
Almost back out to the freeway, I came upon this tractor on the road. A common site in the farmland.
Yes, I did take its picture through my windshield as I was approaching it. Maybe not the safest thing to do, but I really wanted to document it too, as a part of my drive today.
What did you do with your weekend?