Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Breitbart.tv » Newly Discovered: Community Organizers Appear to ?Pray? to President-Elect Obama
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This is far to important for any of us to miss. Click on the address above and watch what is happening. Be sure to turn you volume up, you do not want to miss a thing.
My only prayer is God have mercy on us and this once great nation you entrusted us with.
Friday, September 25, 2009
This sign gave me a real chuckle
I am home. I had an amazing visit in an amazing village. If Tricia and Dave were to stay there, I would probably be up there as often as possible.
Thanks for the great week Tricia, Dave, Ben, Cooper and all of the amazing people I met in Kotzebue.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tricia and I went for a final ride around Kotzebue
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
This morning I woke up
It really means what it says. Not only look both ways, but look up also, there may be one landing. The road to the beach goes across the end of the runway, so you really have to be careful!!
I am planning to start home Thursday morning. Will fly to Anchorage have a short layover and on to Seattle in the afternoon. Unfortunately, I will get into Seattle right at the height of rush hour but my other option was late Thursday night, early Friday morning. That is to hard on Stan since he has to work on Friday so I am opting for the rush hour choice.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Today Tricia and I
Saturday, September 19, 2009
View of Kotzebue through my camera.
Filling up the quad ( a preferred mode of transportation) and the boat.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Sunset above the Artic Circle
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Shaylene, #3206
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Last Week
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I know Therese
My police friend told me that this is so common that they do not even try to track down these people. Actually, since they are in Africa someplace it is impossible to track them down or stop them. We just have to be alert to what is going on.
Woman duped in US-UK Facebook scam
(UKPA) – 2 days ago
A woman has been duped out of £2,500 after receiving a scam message through Facebook by someone posing as her real-life friend claiming to be stuck in England and in need of emergency funds, US police said.
It began last week when Grace Parry, who lives in Missouri, realised she could not access her Facebook account. Police say someone hacked into the account, posed as Ms Parry, and sent out messages saying she and her husband were being detained in London and needed money.
A friend of Ms Parry's got several of those messages, as well as a call from a man with a British accent who claimed to be an immigration official.
"He said the woman (Parry) and her husband were being detained and that more money was needed to fly them home," police spokesman Jason Selzer said. "She sent three different wire transfers to London."
Ms Parry, meanwhile, tried to warn Facebook friends about the false messages but was unable to get into her account. Her husband posted warnings about the scam, and Ms Parry has since suspended her account.
Ms Parry's friend, who wired the money through Western Union, notified police on August 26.
"I not only felt angry, but violated," Ms Parry told the Southeast Missourian newspaper. She worried that whoever hacked into her computer might also come to her door.
Ms Parry did not immediately return a phone message seeking comment from The Associated Press.
Mr Selzer said there's probably no good way for the woman who was scammed to get her money back. He added, "There's no 100% guaranteed way to protect yourself online."
He encouraged people to change their passwords often and to be careful about posting personal information.
Copyright © 2009 The Press Association. All rights reserved.
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National Briefing Los Angeles Times - 2 days ago
Scam message on Facebook leads woman to think her friend is in ... FOX2now.com - 3 days ago
Facebook scam leads Mo. woman to wire $4K abroad The Associated Press - 2 days ago
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Friday, September 4, 2009
The e-mail
I have been hijacked
My e-mail account is totally cleaned out!!! Do not respond at all. I wish I could put my phone # up here so you could let me know, but I am afraid to. I am also afraid of identy theft. I did have one sensitive e-mail on my account.
Pray for me!!!!Please!!!!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Bloodmoney Trailer
How can I possibly keep something as important as this off of my "Fluff" blog. I hope everyone goes to see this.
Thanks to SewMelody for turning me on to it.
Ours is a very small town

On Tuesday, Brystan #2310 was downtown riding his bike with his brother Cannyn #2208. It is the bike (above) that he got for his birthday in February.
While he and his brother went into a coffeshop some low life drove up in his pickup, grabbed Bry's bike, threw it into the back and drove off with it. They saw it happen, but were totally unable to stop him.
So, to this neanderthal, I say...............go find your hole and crawl back into it. Arlington does not want you. You hurt this boy with your thoughtless greed more than you will ever know or care. I am sure you are the type who thinks we should pay for your medical too. Creep a--h--- cretin miscreant.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
He is a man of few words
A happy boy
A long climb
To the topAnd a view to the valley below.
I am thinking that instead of worrying about what he does not say, be more attuned to how he says it.
Thanks Stan.