when this beautiful little almost four year old little boy climbs up into your lap and wraps his arms around your neck and says,"Gramma, I love you reawwy, reawwy, reawwy, reawwy much." So gramma says, "Jonah, I love really, really, really,really much too." "Gramma, don't fly away in the areoplane again."
Well obviously you don't fly away in the areoplane again. ;)
Bless his sweet heart.
Soooo sweet!
Funny that he says AREOplane just like his dad. And mostly he was bent that you got to fly away and he didn't. He was really ticked that we went home from the airport instead of flying to "Yomania".
I bet you melted like chocolate in his little hands didn't you?!
Someday, he'll understand...
Welcome back! I'm sure it was a drastic culture shock but I'm sure as well that it has burdened your heart even more.
Now is that the cutest little thing I've seen since my own darling 4 yr old? YES, YES HE IS!
You're one lucky grandma!
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