I had a mini meltdown tonight. I was completely overwhelmed by everything. We arrive at the camp at about 1 pm. As the family and people began to arrive, it was so emotional for everyone.
Msoshi's daughter
A Nephew

All of the people in the background of these pictures are relatives.
Two of their younger grandchildren. Stan and I were asked to adopt the little boy, but the Congolese government would not release him to us. Reason? We may not treat him well and they had no assurance we would not treat him as a slave. Pretty lame, huh? We were attempting the adoption when he was a year old.

To watch my dear friends cling to family they have not seen for ten years, meet grandchildren they have never met and grieve family who did not survive, was so hard. After about one hour with the family, we were once again fed.
Msoshi sharing his lunch with a grandson.

Mini melt down mentioned above, was because I was suddenly frightened to stay at the Guest house. I mean scared!!! Barb took me down the road to the Catholic Mission to stay. In retrospect, it was no better than the original guest house. Neither were Holiday Inn Express.

I was a little worried about lying on the bed, but Barb brought some clean sheets with her. She has made this trip before. I wrapped up in one so I could sleep.
The smells, oh the smells, Unwashed bodies everywhere. Barb says the Congolese have a distinctive smell because of their diet. They grind up a Casaba into a paste that they call Mhogo. I would probably compare it to Poi and I did not like Poi either. It si a good thing I like rice as that is generally served and I recognize it to eat. Coca Cola is served at every meal. I think they know we Americans like our pop.
I had my first experience with a squat toilet. Do not know if I hit the hole or not. Was to busy trying to miss my panties, skirt and foot!!! Whew, the smell. GAG GAG GAG.

We were able to take pictures today as long as we only photoed within the church compound. Mostly, I have pictures of children and the family reunion.

Wow, I don't know if I could be as brave as you were. Did you see things like cockroaches, mosquitoes, rats, and other vermin?
I saw one cockroach in my room in Dar.
I have such admiration for people willing to leave their life behind and go to serve complete strangers.
Like my friends in Sudan, I'm amazed at their sacrifice. I see them twice a year and I am always amazed by them.
I love the picture of your hand with the child's. So precious...and all the rejoicing...how wonderful to be there to witness the reunions... so amazing...
This has brought tears to my eyes - especially the photos of Rebekah and her son. That is what pure joy looks like. Thanks for sharing these things with us!
P.S. my boys saw Peter Pan and they absolutely loved it! Tell Darian they did the greatest job!
I like that last picture the best.
The last is my favorite as well.
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