because I really did not think I had anything to contribute this week. I did find these on my computer though. They are not from this week, they are last weeks. Oh, well, sometimes you win and sometimes ....................
Darius helping Dad tile Grammas downstairs bedroom floor. |
No Gramma, I do not want to go to the store with you, I am helping Dad. |
Finished and I love it! This was the last room (almost) in our downstairs tiling project. I still have vinyl on the floor in my craft closet. I would like to tile it also, but will have to wait until it is Stan's idea. I have planted the seed, now I just have to wait for it to sprout. |
Abigail and Elizabeth as Swamp things in Missoula Children's Theater presentation of The Frog Prince. |
Jonah as a fly trap.
This was a very enjoyable way to spend last Saturday evening. The kids did a great job. |
A skirt, shorts outfit I finished. |
Elizabeth modeling a pair of fingerless mittens I knit. |
Another fingerless mitten set. Shay claimed these as I was knitting. I allowed her to get away with it because, after all, she turned 18 this month. |
Maybe, just maybe, I will have a more exciting week next week:) Thanks for stopping by though.
That was a wonderful week! What I wouldn't do for those tiles in this house or the house in Vegas. BEAUTIFUL!
Those pics of the kids in their costumes are soo cute too. Priceless moments my dear. Priceless.
I like the darker pair of fingerless mittens. Wish I had a place to wear them.
Thanks for playing along. I hope you're doing ok. You've been in my thoughts and your friends have been in my prayers.
Who knew swamp things and fly traps were that sweet?
I like the tile!
When can you come do my floor? ;)
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