Darius James, #1419 celebrated his third birthday on October 3rd. It really does not seem that it has been that long since he was born. It has been three years of wonder, watching this boy grow and become an active member of this family. He is a constant joy to his Gramma. For a three year old he has a wit and sense of humor to rival any one of the family. | |
Caleb is his Gramma's Hero. He hates it when I call him that. He tells me he has never done anything to be called hero. Little does he know. He has fought his way through some serious troubles with his health. This year he is up on par with all of his classmates in fifth grade and that has been no small task. Yes Caleb, you are a Hero and Gramma will think that all of her life. Caleb #6212 turned 11 on October 8th. |
Olivia #3317 celebrated her 6th birthday on October 15. Six years old means you are a kid and no longer a baby. She did tell me though that if I want to still call her Baby I can. I do and I do. Probably will until she walks down the aisle. She has been my sidekick continuously since she was 6 weeks old. It has been a hard year adjusting to her being in school full time. It helps that I spend time with mother, otherwise I would be so lonely.
All three of you always remember, Gramma loves YOU the MOST!! | | |
Three of my totally amazing sons in law also celebrated birthdays this month.
Joseph, who is married to my daughter Kris, celebrated his birthday on October 18th.
David, who is married to my daughter Angie, celebrated his birthday on October 22nd.
Sebastian, who is married to my daughter Gina, celebrated his birthday on October 30th.
I am very proud to call each of these amazing men son. You all know I Love You the Most!
Happy Birthday, and I am forever thankful that God directed you to our family.