while blog surfing, I came across Mel's Backyard blog. She was hosting a pay it forward. I have played before and enjoyed it so I thought I would play again. I left my comment. When she asked for my address as I was one of the first three to comment, which is one of the rules, I sent it to her and promptly forgot all about it. Imagine my surprise last week when I received a nice little package in the mail. From someone I had no idea who she was and an address I did not recognize. I opened it to find four bars of scented homemade soap. There are two bars of peppermint rose, and two of lavender. As well as a nice note that said, Surprise!! Surprise!! Doing this was a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy it. Best wishes Mel. I racked and racked my brain trying to figure out what it was and why. I did tie it into something from the blog but that was as far as I could get. Finally I wrote Mel a note to thank her and admitted to her my confusion. She sweetly sent me the link to her blog where I had commented. Embarrassed hardly describes it.
So, now it is my turn to Pay it Forward.
The rules are that the first three to comment on my blog will receive a handmade gift from me.
I will have one year to send it to you.
You must continue the circle by "Paying it Forward" yourself.
Your gift must be handmade.
I am adding one more rule. If you do not receive a gift from me within nine months, please remind me. Nine months because that still gives me time to get something whipped together and sent out within my one year time limit:)
So come on, comment and let's have some fun!!
Well this sounds like fun! I am game!!
What a wonderful idea - and what a wonderful and sweet surprise that you recieved!
I've never particpated before..so here goes! I'd love to help out.
Oh Darn it, I missed it. I was at the October hunt all day yesterday and, and when I got home I had tons of things to do< and never even turned on my computer. Later in the evening we had to have a good 'ol heart to heart talk with our teenage guest in our home. Just a few things needed to be discussed to avoid further misunderstandings. I hope to be able to play this next time I recieve this interesting game.
You know what? I think I forgot to do something on the other side of the coin. Did you send me that outfit for Nevaeh as your homemade item? I think I'll be getting some things in the mail to people soon. After I post about it that is. I feel HORRIBLE!
I need some lavender soap.
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