I am able to get a pair of large longies and shorts or medium and small longies from the yarn.
You know, sometimes you need a set of needles and just can't find what you are looking for.
One of my friends wants me to knit a hat she saw on another blog. In looking at it, I saw it was knit on needles that were much larger than any I had, so I took a little trip down to Michaels. They did not have the size I wanted, and what they did have started at $12.95 a set. Thinking if I found the size I needed, and based on the price of the smaller ones, I probably would not be able to afford them. So, I went over to the craft side and purchased a package of pre cut dowels for $2.16 including the tax. Gina took them home with her since she had access to a pencil sharpener that would sharpen the ends. Today, I sanded them down a mite and dulled the tips just a little so they will not split the yarn, and walla!! New needles in just the size I needed!!!
Getting much closer to beginning that project Karin:)
Evy, that is just brilliant! I would have never thought of doing that in a million years! So, I'm tipping my hat to you, my creative friend! :-)
Love the pink and green outfit!
your makeshift knitting needles are ingenious! and those green and pink longies and hat are absolutely adorable. do you have an etsy or ebay shop where you sell these??
What a great idea! If they are not sliding well, rub the tips on your scalp. I know it sounds weird but the oils help a lot. Your longies eare really cute! What is the yarn in the second pair?
I absolutely in love with the fuschia and green set. Beautiful!!!
Love your ingenuity with the knitting needles. Way to go!
EVY!!!! I had no idea there was this much to go into making that hat!!! Are you kidding me?! I'm an idiot! You rock - but seriously, I'm an idiot...that being said, the person up there who suggested the etsy shop is NOT an idiot - but a genius (much like yourself...). My bloggy friend Daiana just went into business as a pro photographer. She said she bought some of these cozy-bean-wrap-thingies on etsy for a pretty penny. She said the pattern to buy is NOT a pretty penny, if I knew how to sew...
Hmmm....maybe an additional outlet for your bid'ness, well, your mission.
P.S. Why don't you wanna live here? {I didn't understand that reference...}
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