Genesis 9:12-17 Verse 17: And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.
Sorry about the power lines in the picture, but I could not avoid them from where I was, and did not want to take a chance of moving and it being gone.
Signs of Spring. My Honeysuckle
My Wisteria
My Hydrangea
A surprise in the mail from my good friend Karin.
The beauty that surrounds me. Whitehorse Mountain to the North East.
Mt. Rainer to the South. I wanted to get a shot of Mt. Baker north of me, but it just was not showing on this day.
More knitting for my Tanzanian project.
A special order pair of socks.
Jesse #6111 helping his dad tear a wall out of my laundry room
There was just a door here. It was next to impossible to reach my dryer. We will put bi fold doors in the opening.
Slated for demolition in the not to far future.........the stairway wall you can see in the picture with Jesse. This will open the foyer up a little more and make the staircase not seem like a tunnel. First though, we need to finish some of the already started projects.