A few weeks ago I said we had taken the carpet up out of the family room in the basement of our home. This week we began the tile process. Our son Bryan did most of the actual laying of the tile.

It matches what we put down in our entry way a few weeks ago.

I really do not know why I come up with these "great" ideas, cause I do HATE messes.

The guys did get it all down by Thursday night. Stan grouted it on Friday. He was able to clean most of the grout off by Saturday. On Sunday I went downstairs and did a wet mop on it. Here Darius (#1419) got hold of my rag while I was doing something else. He did manage to get a bit more water on the tile than I intended, but I got it cleaned up with no serious damage.

The room is put back together by Sunday night. We need to paint and put up new trim. It will really be pretty then.

This view is into Stan's piano room which we decided to tile also. I want to tile the room to the left where carpet is
visible. This is my sewing craft room. It would be nice to not have carpet in a room that I sew and sometimes drop pins in. It would also complete the flow of the tile.
In the front of the house, just off of the entry is a bedroom that is carpeted also. I am hoping to tile that room too. It would make the entire basement area of our home tile and so much easier to keep clean.
Just a few more things to do to make this 9 year old home live able:) Paint the entire house. The tile I mentioned above, as well as the two upstairs bathrooms. New trim throughout, as well as new white doors. Then if I really want to push my luck, I will ask to hardwood the two remaining bedrooms. By the time we finish, I will not be able to navigate the stairs any longer and we will need to sell it and move to a one level.