Tricia came down from Dillingham Alaska for a long weekend. When we were talking before she came, she told me that the
Pioneer Woman would be in North Seattle signing her new cookbook, Pioneer Woman Cooks. Much to
Kris's chagrin we decided to meet there and meet Ree and have our cookbooks signed by her. She began signing at 5:00 PM on Saturday. We arrived at the bookstore at 4:30, fairly confident there were not that many bloggers in the Seattle area who knew who Pioneer Woman was. It was a good thing Tricia had a deck of Phase 10 cards with her because we waited, and we waited, and we waited. They called people up in groups and we were in the "I" group.

I did not know my friend
Sue was there, but she saw Tricia when Tricia was up wandering around. She even joined us in a game of Phase 10 right before our letter was called at 10:00 PM.
Here the three of us are waiting in line. Patiently, I might add.

Finally, my five seconds with Ree:) I must say she is in very good company, because I have never stood in line for a book signing and I will never again...........unless it is Sean, Rush, Glenn, Sarah or Ann.
Really? That's all you did all weekend?
It is a continuing saga.
That was a very long night! But dinner was good.
I'm glad I happened to see Tricia, you and Kris. The long wait was more palatable because I could share it with friends!
Your pics turned out great!
Oh I would so love to meet the Pioneer Woman. You have reminded me though to see if her book is here in Australia again.
that is so cool that you meet the Pioneer Woman... and you got to do it with your daughter! Cool
I can't believe she isn't coming to Honolulu. If she does, I'd stand in line in HEELS to get my copy signed! I influenced several neighbours to get the book as well as bought it for a friend.
I got the book Evy.
I also had a $10.0 credit from being overcharged for my last order with them so got it for a really great price.
I love Ree the Pioneer Woman. I have cooked many of her recipes. I do not have a copy of her cookbook. And none of her tours will bring her within two hundred miles of me, so no, I won't be standing in line waiting. But I would if she were anywhere close to me.
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