I did not get out for pictures last week, like I wanted to. Tulips are blooming and I really have to go take pictures. Maybe tomorrow.

Instead, for today, I have pictures of craft morning at Grammas. Clear glasses and a vase, torn tissue paper and modge podge equals big mess and happy Grands.

Finished projects: #1 by Elizabeth (#6314) 9 years old. #2 by Abigail (#6415) 7 years old. #3 by Jonah (6518) 5 years old and #4 by Darius (#1419) 2 years old. Now I have lots of glue to clean up:) Olivia (#3317) made one last week, but I failed to take a picture of it.

I did get a hat made last week, using up the remaining yarn from a skein of yarn Debbie donated to me. I was able to get two adult size and one child size hat from it. Thanks again Debbie.
The tights are sized for Newborn to 3 months. I found the pattern on Ravelry. A designer called Chopped Tomatoes. They were super easy to make and are so very cute. I used stash sock yarn for them. I think next time I make them, I will use a better quality so they are a bit softer.
Remember all of my knits are for sale to benefit my friends in Tanzania. You can contact me through my blog or e-mail. Great Baby Shower and Birthday gifts!! And Christmas is just 8 months away. Not to soon to get an order in :)
You are so lucky to be a grandma! Building all these wonderful memories that your grandchildren will remember and carry with them all the rest of their lives! I might be just a wee bit envious! :-)
Let me add to my last statement...
a wee bit envious, but not so envious that I can't be happy for you!
I'm kind of envious too, not because you are a grandma though more because my kids aren't there.....
Cute project and I LOVE Darius' finished product, so cute!
So I still need two gifts, $20-25 each, one girl, one gender neutral. Can I pick them up April 18th?
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