'deeply' embarrassed by his tax mistake. Someone give me a bucket, I AM GOING TO BARF!!
Did not pay taxes for private use of a car and driver with a worth of up to $128,000. $100,000 in payoffs from the health industry. And this man is nominated to be our next Health and Human Services Director.
Good job "O" you are certainly cleaning up the corruption in Washington. Are they all going into your cabinet so you can keep a closer eye on them and see to it that they do the right thing? You have to wonder.
So I'm about to do my taxes. Can I "accidently" claim 19 children all in daycare and then just "feel bad" about it later? That seems to work well.
Sure can, but first you "must" change your party affilliation.
If I thought maybe...Obama might not be so bad...he's proving he is more and more everyday!
Glad you are seeing the light baby.
Socialism is never good. Never.
He may talk a good talk, but the walk is as crooked as any of his croonies he is placing in positions of power.
I would like to "accidently" forget to pay my taxes. Better yet, I would like to follow in California's footsteps and Send the Fed and State Govt. an IOU Letter. How long do you think it will take them to come after me for the money? 10 seconds?!
Or less.
do gramma's barf? seriously? I don't think I've ever pictured that before. and it ain't pretty.
sorta like that cabinet you're talking about. maybe we just need to paint it and call it green.
that makes EVERYthing better.
Yep, gramma's do barf and it ain't purty.
I didn't expect any good from this new president, and I'm not surprised with what's happening, now. How long do you think it will take the majority of Americans get a clue into what's happening? When all their freedoms have been taken away?
Its showing sooner than I expected, the news even reported this morning how "Many Americans are suprised and disapointed" I think we are about to hear a national "GULP, what did we DO!"
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