Stan and I met when we were 15 years old. I babysat for his sister and she kept telling him she wanted him to meet her "cute" babysitter. The night he finally came home with her, my sister Susan was babysitting. She always tried to claim him because she met him first. I just remind her that he asked me out first. We could not date yet, because I was not allowed to until I was 16. This picture is taken at his sisters house the evening of our first date. My 16
th birthday, he took me out to dinner at a Chinese
Restaurant in downtown Seattle.
Now, don't laugh at the glasses, I was
stylin. You can admire the tiny waist though.
We were basically
inseparable from that time on. I really do not remember when Stan proposed. It must have been in the winter or early spring of 1965 because we got married that summer. July 10
Forty four years ago this year.
Stan had just turned 19 on June first and I would turn 19 on July 29

I look at these pictures now and realize how
naive we both were.
We have had a good marriage. We have had some very high mountains that we have conquered and some very deep valleys to dig ourselves out of. We have
experienced the very best a couple can experience and we have fallen to the pit of
After we were married about 15 years, Stan became a believer. I had been one all of my life. I see now how great our God is. I know some of what we have weathered together we would have never made it through except He was there guiding us all the way. I praise and thank Him for his continued mercies toward us as we still are prone to stumble on this rocky path of life.
At this point in our life, we are very good friends. We love one another deeply, but we also like each other. We enjoy little things together, we enjoy one
another's company. We love to get in our car on a warm spring or summer morning and go for a

drive, usually culminating in a trip across the Cascade Mountains, returning in the evening to our home. We like to sit in our living room in the evening, each with a book quietly reading or if I am knitting, he will read excerpts from the book he is reading to me. We do not have grand expectations any more. We are comfortable with one another. Kind of like a good pair of shoes. You know, the ones that do not pinch your toes.
Since we are both 62 years old and we have been together since we were 15, that is 47 years we have been a couple. Note to my children: Six years to plan the big one, you know the one I am speaking of:)
Above picture was taken on our 25
th Anniversary. The bottom at Kris's wedding about 2 years later.
Several of you asked for this story, but
Frizzy of Heaven's gift was the first to ask. I hope I answered your questions, maybe all of you will be around for the big 50 bash.