Friday, August 26, 2011


Can't I make it go away?
Can't I kiss it and make it better?
Can't I hold her close to my heart until she falls to sleep?
Can't I be strong?
Can't I walk in Faith?
Can't I Trust?


Frizzy said...

Because, you are human and with fault and it's only through HIM we can be made perfect.

FYI, Nobody expects you to be those things right now. I promise. What we/she expects from you is that you are present and supportive and loving just as you already are. I'm sorry you and your family are hurting. Watching someone you love in pain and weak is excrutiating BECAUSE you feel so helpless. Just having you all there is exactly what she and her family need.

Love you! Sending you prayers of peace and healing.

Kris said...

Are you God?
She'd just wipe away the kisses...
Hold her close to your heart but respect her personal boundaries as well.
Why must you be strong?
You can walk in Faith.
You can Trust.
Gods will is perfect this is not for nothing.
I LOVE YOU. Please believe that God knows what he is allowing to happen to me is for His Greater Good. Please don't be angry, please don't blame. Please take your hurt and be a blessing to someone who needs to know the truths that you know.

Lindsay said...

Lots of love for you all. He is there for you, Evy. I pray that you all feel His love surrounding you and holding you tight.


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