I keep fighting it because I am an independent person and hate hate hate to ask for help, but it keeps coming back to me. And because I am a very strong believer in God and his willingness to talk to us if we are willing to listen, I am giving in.
I keep "thinking" that I need to ask my knitting friends if they would be willing to donate yarn to my cause. I do not want your project yarn, just what is left over. If I could get donations from many of you, I am sure I could put it together into many hat projects. Maybe even mittens and scarfs. Buying the yarn is becoming a bit spendy for me and I am coming to the point that I need to supplement my stash. I can use anything from sock weight to worsted weight.
The one caveat though, is that I cannot use craft quality yarn. I do not want to sound ungrateful at all, but what I am making must be of good quality. If you have yarn that you are willing to donate to my cause, please contact me and I will send you my address.
Have also been thinking that if any of you have knit or craft (bags and baskets made from recycled plastic bags, etc) projects that you would like to donate, I would be most happy to accept them also.
Evy-You are so right about the quality of the yarn! (Gramma's right again!) I don't have anything right now-because all I have left is craft yarn, but as I switch over and have some odds and ends, I will gladly pass them on. I will also try to come up with a couple of things myself...No promises, but I do want to try! Maybe this can be a good lenten project for me! Miss you!
Thanks Therese!! That is just what I am thinking about:)
Can hardly wait for this summer and my stopover in your lovely city!
Pray for it:)
I have a wonderful stash and lots of quality. Most of it is designated for projects but I don't mind at all giving up a few projects for this. Do you want only washable? Contact me and I'll mail it to you this weekend. I don't have the time to knit along with you right now but if you get in a crunch I could try and do a hat or two.
Where do you buy your yarn? I don't knit, so I don't ever have left overs :) but if they offer a gift card, I would certainly like to help out that way. Please e-mail me and let me know.
Yes. I wish I had scraps. Or a knit shop. I would send you a bushel.
Love you. Know you will do this!!!
PS- thanks for the linky tip!!!
Subtle mom! You can have the basket I just finished. Can you auction it on your blog?
Good idea Chelle.
I have two spools of yarn that I bought intending to teach myself to knit. It's still sitting in my closet. The colors of the first are hot pink, purple, burgundy with a little orange and blue mixed in. The second has sage green, gray blue, navy blue and white mixed in. Brand names are Lion Brand Yarn and it says America's Most Popular Fashion Yarn on them. I bougth them at Michaels. It also says the yarn is machine washable and dryable.
Do you want me to send it?
Good luck with your project. Thanks for stopping by.
Evy, Not sure how I missed it but I LOVE your new layout and header. That picture is GORGEOUS!
The zoo isn't far from us. We buy season passes and make a regular playdate out of it. Pays for itsels like a Disney Season pass might after 2 or 3 visits. Esp when you take your own food and drink.
I'll get the yarn sent soon. Yes, I sent the check Monday at the latest this week. Hope it gets there safe and sound.
Nice blog you got here. I'd like to read a bit more about this matter. Thanx for giving that info.
Anonymous, I wish I knew who you are.
I have many posts about my trip to Africa beginning on my blog in October of 2008. It was this trip that changed my heart forever. My goal now is to be able to return to live in Tanzania or Zaire and help these dear people. God Willing it will happen. Until then, I will continue in my quest to build a church in Dar es Salaam.
I am glad you are interested and hope you do come back and read more.
You're doing a great thing, darling. God will bless you. I wish I had some to donate....I'll check my craft box.
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