I recieved yesterday. It is a little hard to decipher, but if you read it slowly, you will be able to understand it. It is written by the son of my friend Rebeka whom I traveled to Tanzania with.
Hi syster Evy.
Me and my family we are greeting all ove you in the name of our Jesus Christ.
I am sorry for long time to not answe your E-mail, is not for unineesinar is because my situation now is verry bad, I am not able to get even internet money for watch time.
The thing who is happening to me is this: Was 27/ 12/ 008. me and my wife we had some dialogue with Pastor ( Mwene Bolongo ) it was be verry importent to see him in the morning.
Because we are living in a bad area who the security about me and my family is verry poor, for that i was tacking dessition to put my money in porket and go with it for to wary the thief because we are living same area with a Rob man, thiefs, drugabipt, (hooligans)!...
in general is bad area people.But because i was gette a room for cheap rent who is the same with my money power, it was be must to live ther because i am not able to live in a good area who have a good security.
So after our dialogue with Pastor Mwene Bolongo, we was be ready to retourne home. we was going to Stand Bus for to take a car. ther in Stand Bus we was see a lot of young mans, we was think maybe they are passingers, suddely after a few second all of them was coming to us with nifs for to heate us, verry seriers. for that they was Rob us all of that money, my cell phon, and our shoes. they was heat me with nif around eye, in the chest, and my back to. my wife she was be heaten in the legs. after that opperation they was run away, it was be must to walk without shoes from ther till home who is 28Km, til now my eye is not going well, only chest and my back now is going well but no 100% and my wife to.
In general that one who is happeng to me.
God bless you. and Good Day.
My children missing you always.

Hi syster Evy.
Me and my family we are greeting all ove you in the name of our Jesus Christ.
I am sorry for long time to not answe your E-mail, is not for unineesinar is because my situation now is verry bad, I am not able to get even internet money for watch time.
The thing who is happening to me is this: Was 27/ 12/ 008. me and my wife we had some dialogue with Pastor ( Mwene Bolongo ) it was be verry importent to see him in the morning.
Because we are living in a bad area who the security about me and my family is verry poor, for that i was tacking dessition to put my money in porket and go with it for to wary the thief because we are living same area with a Rob man, thiefs, drugabipt, (hooligans)!...
in general is bad area people.But because i was gette a room for cheap rent who is the same with my money power, it was be must to live ther because i am not able to live in a good area who have a good security.
So after our dialogue with Pastor Mwene Bolongo, we was be ready to retourne home. we was going to Stand Bus for to take a car. ther in Stand Bus we was see a lot of young mans, we was think maybe they are passingers, suddely after a few second all of them was coming to us with nifs for to heate us, verry seriers. for that they was Rob us all of that money, my cell phon, and our shoes. they was heat me with nif around eye, in the chest, and my back to. my wife she was be heaten in the legs. after that opperation they was run away, it was be must to walk without shoes from ther till home who is 28Km, til now my eye is not going well, only chest and my back now is going well but no 100% and my wife to.
In general that one who is happeng to me.
God bless you. and Good Day.
My children missing you always.

My heart cries out in desperation for these people. I never in my life witnessed such poverty. I am at a loss as to what I am suppose to do for them. I know God expects something from me, but he has not shown me what it is yet. If he has I have not understood what it is. Please pray for them and for me to get a clear understanding of what my mission is.
My heart is breaking. I can't imagine these kinds of atrocities. They will be in my prayers and you will, too. He will reveal what you are called to do, I have no doubt about that!
What a heartbreaking story.
Often when I hear people, in America, talking about the hard times that they are going through, I think about people like your friends. We, here in the west, really do not know what hard times are like.
You and your friends will certainly be in my prayers and I'm sure you will have that moment of clarity, when you realise what you are being called on to do.
How very sad, Evy! I am praying for an answer for you and them.
Oh, Evy! I think that hurts you as much as if it had happened to one of your own kids!
Praying for you and them.
Love you.
Will keep them in my prayers & you that you might understand what you are being called to do. At this point I believe prayer for you, this family & those that would cause such pain. Posting this is allows many to join in prayer
Thanks everyone!
I am new to your post, but it is refreshing to visit a post that is God centered and not political.
I will be adding you to my list of followed blogs.
As for your friends and their trials, I'm sure you already do this, but we're told to pray for those that we have burdons for. Create a prayer circle for this family and put it in the Lord's hands. He will not put more on those people than they can carry, with his help.
It may be that there is nothing other than prayer that you are SUPPOSED to do. Many times in the Bible you find places where the saints were in dire straights and the only thing that brought them out was a steadfast faith in the Lord. Because their faith and prayers did not flag, the Lord intervened.
Carry a burden for them to the Lord, but don't try to carry their burden from 3000 miles away. God love you and bless you, and I pray he continues his works through you.
So sad...This family and you , will be in my prayer.
♥ Glenda
My mom just came back from a mission trip in India (very close to where the bombings were)around Oct or Nov I think and the things she told me is scary and makes me remember how blessed I am to have been born in America where struggles such as those you have mentioned are more rare. You sound determined to do what God wants you to for them so listen in prayer for His voice and no one will be disappointed with His grace and mercy for he is an Awesome God!
Oh, that's so sad, Evy, but thank you for sharing it with us so that we can pray for them.
I've given you an award on my blog.
I would like to be in your prayer circle for this family. I agree that sometimes all we can do is pray. HOWEVER, since when is praying a small thing? The power of prayer and GOD are immeasurable! I'm wrapping my heart around you in a big hug right now. Can you feel me give you a big squeeze?
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