My front yard and back deck.

This week we are dealing with this. Fortunately we live securely on a hill. We are in no danger of sliding off. We also live on the "right" side of the river so we will not be stranded.
My front yard and back deck.

This week we are dealing with this. Fortunately we live securely on a hill. We are in no danger of sliding off. We also live on the "right" side of the river so we will not be stranded.
My daughter Angie, and her family, on the other hand, live on the other side of the river.
They may not be able to cross over tomorrow to come to town for work and school. Gina lives
in a flood plain and may still be evacuated tonight.

in a flood plain and may still be evacuated tonight.
Yikes! I didn't realize Gina lived in a flood plain!
You got more snow than I did, and I had plenty! Glad its all gone now. I too live on a hill, so no worries about flooding for me, but I will be thinking about your daughters!
Uff dah! My parents live on Bainbridge and my siblings in Poulsbo area . . . I better ring them up and see how they are doing!
Glad you are okay. Stay dry!!!
We'll be praying for your families safety! We had bad flooding here over the summer. We, too, were fortunate that we live at the top of a hill!
I'll be praying that Angie, Gina and their families stay safe!!
We also had a White Christmas, but definitely not as much snow.
My bro-in-law lives near Mt Ranier and they have also had way more than their usual share of the white stuff. Not as much as you got, though..
We had the same problem , here, a few years back. A big snowfall, followed by rain, followed by some serious flooding. Not fun..
I had no idea...where's the wonderful left I mean just news media for these types of stories, rather than the slant they put on wars and such....
praying for everyone's safety...
Oh bless your heart - I will be praying for safety for your family and all.
We are safely at mom's house. The kids and I, that is. We drove south on I-5 just before it closed. Sebastian may not be able to get out of Stanwood tonight- but I know he will be safe. He is staying around to help sandbag the highway and help out however he can. We got our voluntary evacuation notice last night- but we decided to ride it out. I don't think we could get back tonight if we tried.
Any way, we are safe, but I am a little worried about all the people working the sandbags, and for our possesions....
So glad to hear that Gina is safe. Travis and I laid in bed last night worrying for all the people who are stranded and losing all their things here. What heartbreak. Prayers for you all!
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