Peek-a-boo toes. |
The owner of those peek-a-boo toes. Miss Isabella Katherine. |
Napping on the couch while Gramma knits. |
Jayce David showing Great Gramma he can almost stand alone. Mommy encouraging him. |
Getting the hang of it. He even managed a couple of steps. Jayce will be one year old July 1. |
I was in the Garden while the dew was still on the roses. |
God gave us memories so we could have roses in January. |
To day Miss Isabella and her big brother Darius spent the day with Gramma and Pops while their parents were at work. We started our day by going to Church. Stan and I go in separate cars because he stays afterwards for choir. Good thing today because Miss Isabella decided she did not want to be good. She and Gramma wound up going home mid service. Darius stayed with Pops which was good because we had a visiting Pastor and part of his service was a puppet show. I enjoyed what I was able to see of it. Glad Darius got to see the entire show.
We really did not do anything special for the day. Stan does not like having a fuss made over him for any reason so I have quit trying. Took me lots of years because my family always loved to have parties and make a big deal out of things.
Miss Isabella's daddy has not been working for several weeks so he has stayed with the kids. Consequently, she does not like to stay with her Gramma. We had a pretty fussy day, even though the pictures do not depict that. She is a nursed baby and does not take a bottle very well. It is a struggle to get her to take one at all. Since Daddy is back to work and will be busy all summer, including a job in Alaska, she will be getting used to spending time here. I am thinking I might need to get my stroller back from daughter Gina so we can do some outside time this summer.
After Miss Isabella and Darius left and I caught my second wind, Pepper and I went out for a walk around the block. She loves her walks. I just have to ask her if she wants to go and she nearly beats me down the stairs to the door. I have been so inactive all winter, my knees hurt constantly and my ankles are always swollen. It is a vicious circle, you become chronic because you are inactive and you are inactive because you are in constant pain. Stan and I are planning to take a trip to Southeastern Alaska in just two weeks. There will be lots of walking so I started trying to get some walking in to build my stamina. I was able to do one more block than usual tonight.
After I got home, my daughter Angie and her family came down for a few minutes. The live just 6 or 7 houses down the street from us. We got to enjoy watching Jayce practice standing up. He even went from sitting to standing twice on his own. Of course with all of the cheers and encouragement, he was having a great time. I am sure he will be walking by the end of this week.
I also managed to squeeze in a few moments of knitting. Trying to get my special order hats done. I do not want to have them hanging over my head for too long.
Now it is time for me to do just a few more rows and head to bed. Four wonderful grands will be spending the day with Gramma tomorrow. I am sure it will be a very busy day.
Hope you all had a blessed day.