Yesterday while Olivia and I were out shopping, I stopped at Costco. We walked past a display of Santa costumes. She saw those and looked at me with the most incredulous look in her eyes and said, "Grandma, look where Santa buys his clothes!"
Later in the evening I was sitting on the couch knitting and singing Mary Did You Know. She was playing on the floor beside me. I had just sang, Mary did you know that your baby boy would someday walk on water. Olivia chimed in, "Mary did you know that your baby boy would someday disappear?"
If you were to analyze a four year old's rationalization, you would know she would think that anyone she knows would sink to the bottom if they walked on water, so why not Jesus?
Just gotta love their beautiful pure innocence.
Pretty precious comments. I love the way little minds work and think and that they share it with us. I also love watching them figure things out. I'm glad you shared it.
So sweet! I do love that age!
Did you bust out laughing when she said he'd disappear?
Their little minds are amazingly sharp!
I wonder what our number would be if God numbered us!
I think it would be too high for me to count!
Glad to see you home safe and sound!
BTW I LOVE this song!!!!
what a cutie!
been thinking of you tonite as I finished a sewing project. Martha Stewart, I am not. Perhaps a sewing class is in my future...I must say, it did turn out 'fine,' though. I'll post it in a few days --- it's a photo pillow. I'm very pleased with my little self!
Merry Christmas Evy! Hope you have a blessed day! Much Love.
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