With myself. I began blogging so I could keep a Journal of my life. Also to make friends. I have made many, but, I think they have given up on me posting regularly. Let's see if I can remedy that.

My last post was telling about the wonderful piece of property we had purchased on the Entiat River just north of Wenatchee Washington. I posted a picture of the platform we built down near the river. I spent one night on it freezing in our tent. It has to go down in history as one of my worst nights ever. I said I would not go back until I had a bed there. Soooo we took a bed over. In this picture, we are getting ready to leave so it is wrapped in a parachute, to protect the mattress from the elements. My patio table and chairs are on top to keep the parachute down. The wind blows down the canyon almost every day.
On Memorial Day weekend my daughter Angie and her husband, grandson and daughter came over. We had two of our other grandchildren with us as their parents were doing a big river float with friends. In this picture are my Grandson Jonah, my Great Grandson Jayce and my Granddaughter Olivia. They are trying out Papa's tractor.
Even though we asked the owner to remove his garbage from the property, he did not. I call this picture the Redneck trampoline. My Granddaughter Abigail and Grandson Jonah are jumping on a roll of hog wire. We aren't too upset about him leaving it as we are being able to use much of what he left. He even left the tractor the kids were on. Stan has hot wired it and used it every time we go over.
According to Chelan county you can build a building without permit if it is under 280 sq feet. Our building is, but they have decided they don't approve. First they slapped a stop work on it saying it was larger than the allowed. Next we were too close to the road, we weren't. Next we were too close to the river, wrong again. The inspector said he would release us to continue. However some woman sitting at her desk in town still is not satisfied and she wants the inspector to go inside to see what we are doing.

I have moved my bed inside. They are not too happy about that either. I told my builder son in law to just tell them that I am close to 70 years old, truth, I have a very difficult time walking, truth, and I cannot sleep on the ground, truth. Any one would be sleeping inside while they work on the property. I am sure as you drive up the river and see all of the tiny buildings built along it there are people sleeping inside at night. They are just being contrary and we may have to hire an attorney.
Since they stopped us, we only have half of the roof on. This is my view as I lie in bed.
And this is the view out the windows.
We see deer across the river every morning and evening. These two have nice racks on them. They were getting ready to cross the river but changed their minds when they saw us watching.

There are also a couple of fawn across the river.
The sun had just gone down behind the mountain.
Pepper is thinking it might be time to wake up and go wallow in the dirt. She loves her freedom over there, but after one day she is ready to go home.
A neighbor told us how to drive around and up the mountain to see our property from above. Ours is the piece the upper side of the triangle created by the road and river. If you look closely, you can see the cabin that is in limbo in the upper corner of the property beside the trees. All of the property that you can see on the other side of the river is ours too. It does not go up the mountainside though. Sadly, there is a nearly 20,000 acre fire raging in the canyon right now. It is downriver from us and I feel pretty confident it won't make it all the way up to us. It may be wishful thinking on my part. So far no homes have been lost which is good news.